MICA Edgardo Salomon
Edgardo Guerrero Salomon //
NOSOTROS SOMOS NOSOTROS (WE ARE US) is a series that has grown out of a need to control and regain cultural autonomy in the United States as a latino immigrant.
The narrative in the United States has been that the value of the life of an immigrant making their way to the United States is less valuable and less meaningful than a life that already exists in the United States. This narrative is pushed by a system older than the modern borders we have now. Every day occurrences through depictions in the media, the treatment of migrants by the government, propaganda peddled by politicians, and fear from the white supremacist establishment. Before a migrant crosses the manmade construct of the border their cultural autonomy is destroyed. Instead a new culture is thrust upon the migrant. A culture that teaches that their life is worth less. A culture that dismisses who they are, where they come from, and why they are migrating.
Through photographs, appropriated images, change of language, historical imagery, spoken word, and sculpture I work to change the narrative and imagery used to define the latino migrant. As well as taking signifiers rooted in Chicano culture that have gone unchanged for 60 years and thrusting them into a contemporary light. Give a humanity, a strength, a dignity, and a respect back. Regain a culture that is lost and stolen.