LENA LOTUS // Density Detroit

Density Detroit

Density Detroit explores a city identity formed by spatial and social aggregation. In my work the question of identity is always present, whether as an idea of place, as a concept of self or even as a sense of community. As a foreigner, the American identity is something completely new to discover and immerse in.

While chasing the light I construct my view on places I have never seen before. Within the photographic medium I can shape my own perspective of place and belonging. I try to analyze the various nes- ted layers of detroit and the relationship they have with one another. My grasp of the sometimes overwhelming impressions gets clearer through abstraction. It is a balancing act or rather correlation of fiction and realism and a question to our conception of surroun- dings. There is a special mood to the streets of detroit, some kind of absence. An isolation of form and pattern.
