Artist Statement

There is a difference between being merely a photographer and an artist. The artist thinks critically not just about the science and form of their work, but has something to say. This is considered the concept of the work. Not every artist thinks conceptually in the same way, nor are they always successful in getting the concept across to the viewer. A good artist understands what their work says and is intentional in the way they work to get their idea across to the viewer. In todays culture of social media whether VSCO, Instagram, or vlogs these ideas have been lost. The thoughtful process that comes with being an artist in photography has been stripped away and lost to influencers, vloggers, and photographers that created an aesthetically pleasing formula on photoshop to get into studios. What was once a medium inspired by painting and concepts in the art world is now merely an echo of those. Photographers and influencers have simply looked to others like themselves for inspiration and the conceptual side to their work no longer exists. Photography simply serves a purpose of sales, sexiness, and desire. This kind of work does not speak to the viewer about important ideas, concepts, or a message at all aside from us objectifying the person displaying themselves to the world, or if we are lucky the product. Often times I believe these photographers and influencers turn themselves into the object and product which is an uncomfortable thought. It has caused those online such as Gen Z and some millennials to no longer understand how to differentiate between artists and these branding mechanisms. The lines have been blurred and most do not know how to work through concepts, purpose of messaging through visuals, or realize that they are simply buying into an aesthetic of modern beauty. My work takes a humorous approach at speaking against these things. The goal of my work is for someone familiar with these internet photos to recognize enough similarities, but also notice enough difference to understand that these things are not the same. My work resembles these influencers enough that one might at first glance confuse the two, but through the concept of my work and using a grouping of images I believe that these images can change a viewers mind about what is art and what is a sale.